It’s that time of year when compiling lists seems like the right thing to do, so I thought I would compile my own list of book awards, both good and bad. Here’s my 12 for 2012 with links to those I’ve blogged on:

Learned most fromRedirect by Timothy Wilson. A truly excellent book – read it.

Most captivatingShadow of the Moon by M M Kaye. I was transported into the era.

Most changed my everyday lifeThe Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I started this blog thanks to this book.

Most enjoyment fromPaloverde by Jacqueline Briskin. I do love a bit of easy-to-read twentieth century fiction.

Most able to make a complex subject easy to understandInside Job by Charles Furguson. And watch the DVD too.

Most un-put-downableBring up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel. Yes the Booker judges were completely right.

Least enjoyment fromWorking with Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman. I thought this would be right up my street, but it wasn’t at all.

Most surprised by, in a good wayProviding a Sure Start by Naomi Eisenstadt. I knew I should read it, but didn’t know just how much I would enjoy it.

Most surprised by, in a bad wayThe Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco. I was so looking forward to it, but I missed the point, or it did.

Would most recommend for holidaysThe Secret Keeper by Kate Morton. To be blogged on soon – it’s great.

Talked most obsessively aboutSteve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. I couldn’t shut up about this when reading it in San Francisco. By the end of our trip my poor partner Drew had practically read it too.

Most intellectually stretchingThinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Really, really good. It’s long but it’s definitely a book of the year to stretch your mind.

I’m looking forward to the books of 2013 already. An enormous pile of Christmas books should get me on my way.